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About Region 15

The Lower Rio Grande Regional Flood Planning Group is responsible for developing a regional flood plan by January 2023. Based on the regional flood plans, the Texas Water Development Board will prepare and adopt Texas' first-ever state flood plan and present it to the Texas Legislature in September 2024.

Our Mission

The intent of the Regional Flood Planning Group Region 15 is to minimize the impact of flooding in the Region 15 Flood Planning Group Area while considering the public safety, economic, environmental and societal implications of its recommendation.



We need your help!

In support of the Lower Rio Grande Regional Flood Plan we are collecting data to help identify high flood risk areas and current and planned flood improvements and management tools.

Please follow this link: and login based on whether you are a community representative or a member of the public. Brief instructions and background information on the regional flood planning process are provided on the flyer below.

Public Comment Period: Flood Infrastructure Fund Project Prioritization List for Flood Management Evaluations and Flood Mitigation Projects


The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) is holding a period of public review and comment before consideration of the draft State Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Flood Infrastructure Fund (FIF) project prioritization lists for the flood management evaluations category and flood mitigation projects category.

The project prioritization lists are for the flood management evaluations and flood mitigation projects categories only, and are available online:

• Draft project prioritization list for flood management evaluations.

• Draft project prioritization list for flood mitigation projects.

The period of public review and comment begins February 6 and ends on March 10.

Public comments should be submitted to Following the public comment period, the TWDB will address all comments and the project priority lists will be presented to the Board for consideration. Should the project prioritization lists receive Board approval, the TWDB will begin the invitation process.

Follow this link and the instructions to submit public comments.


  • Useful Documents



Where are the areas of historical flooding? Is this flood risk map accurately capturing the areas that flood? If not, please drop us a pin to let us know how the map needs to be changed.


Facts About Region 15

This region begins at International Amistad Reservoir in ValVerde County, which separates the Upper and Lower Rio Grande regions, and extends to the Rio Grande Valley region near the Gulf of Mexico. It contains six major lakes/reservoirs, including two that border the U.S. and Mexico, 14 counties (some partial) and 10 major cities.

Population Estimate (2019): 936,558
Approximate Area: 43,204 square miles
Approximate Stream Miles: 5,300
Approximate NFIP Claims (1975-2019): $173,104,689


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By signing up you will be receiving news regarding upcoming Region 15 Flood Planning Group meetings and other important information.
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